Psychedelic Facilitation with Psilocybin

Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS) is a section of Oregon Health Authority. This state agency authorizes members of the public to have supervised psychedelic sessions at licensed service centers. Licensed facilitators offer clients the opportunity to undergo preparation sessions. If it looks like a good fit, then the facilitator will offer the client an administration session in which the client is administered Psilocybe mushrooms, extracted psilocybin, or food containing psilocybin. Afterward, the facilitator will offer at least one integration session to discuss the client’s psychedelic experience.

Oregon Psilocybin Services approved the Alfred M. Hubbard Institute (AMHI) to train facilitators. After completing our coursework and practicum, our students will graduate from AMHI’s training program, thus fulfilling OPS’s educational requirement for licensure.

As of New Year’s Day 2025, residents of other states may apply for Oregon’s psilocybin-facilitator license. In order to qualify for a license, the applicant must meet these requirements:

  1. 1) Be at least 21 years old.
  2. 2) Have at least a high-school education.
  3. 3) Must pass a criminal-background check.
  4. 4) Have graduated from a training program such as AMHI that is approved by Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS).
  5. 5) Must pass an exam administered by Oregon Psilocybin Services
  6. 6) Must submit an application and a $150 application fee.
  7. 7) Submit a social-equity plan to OPS
  8. 8) Pay a $2,000 annual license fee to OPS.
  9. 9) In order to be employed in a psilocybin-service center in Oregon, a licensed facilitator must be legally entitled to work in the United States.

AMHI will prepare students to pass the state exam. We will also help alumni write a social-equity plan.

AMHI intends to seek approval to train facilitators to work in Colorado when its “natural-medicine healing centers” finally open up.